Monday, July 20, 2020

Chicago week 7-8

 Hello from Round Lake!

   This week has been great! One of the highlights I would have to say is the District Council we had. Its not very often I would say that! But the spirit and inspiration was flowing throughout this meeting. We focused on the Plan of Salvation and setting goals and plans. It was fantastic.
   We also had a district activity today, which was really fun! We did a barbecue at the park with my mini grill and cooked up some delicious chicken and pork chops, with corn, and watermelon, and chocolate pie, and drinks... it was fantastic. Then we played some frisbee golf, otherwise known as frolf. Good stuff indeed.
   Some of you may have seen a video that was on our mission page recently, with an Elder that may look a lot like me.... I can neither confirm nor deny that it was in fact me, but I hope that it was enjoyable! It makes me smile when I watch it hahaha
   We also had a lot of success this week with teaching. With the virus, we are not able to do any tracting yet, but anyone that was taught before and is in our area book, we are allowed to stop by their house. Looks like the times are softening some hearts, because a lot of them listened to our message! It has been fun, and I am glad to be here serving in the ICM.
   Thank you all for your love and support! And you are all lucky, you get 2 emails this week, I forgot to send the one for last week. Bet you thought you were off the hook, huh? "Oh good, none of that spam email junk from Elder Banister this week, he must have finally given up." Hahaha, not yet! 4 more months of it, so endure to the end! 
   Elder Banister