Sunday, March 8, 2020

Week 66

 Hello from the Philippines!!!

     Well, I first want to say that I love the heat. I can't imagine my life in a cold place anymore. But anyways..... This week we have had a lot of fun, I think, it's gone by so fast that I can hardly remember. I've been realizing the reality of how short the mission really is and how fast it goes. We had a miracle with one of our friends we are teaching, her name is Jenny. She runs a little tindahan outside her house and we just teach her in the afternoon when there's not a lot of customers. We met her a couple of weeks ago and she wasn't really keeping commitments that we would give her. But this last time we went, she read Moroni 10:3-5 and the Restoration pamphlet! Then before we even asked, she told us that she was going to church on Sunday! She even told us her plan to sell breakfast in the morning, get things ready for the afternoon, go to church from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm and finish her selling. And you know what? That's what she did!!! And she brought her 3 kids! POWER!!! That's what happens when people arouse their faculties and experiment on the words of Christ. She even already has a plan for next week to go to church, and is also going to participate in English connect. I know that she and her family will be blessed as they continue to act and become engulfed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 
     That's all I'll share for this week. I love and appreciate you all and hope that things are going good wherever you are! Until Next week!
  Elder Banister