Sunday, March 1, 2020

Week 65

 Hello from the Philippines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     Everybody get excited, look at all that exclamation. It has been a pretty good week, the sun is trying to kill us over here. So there was one day, Tuesday I think, we were just walking down the street, just after lunch, to an appointment, about 1pm. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the sun said "Hey Elder Banister, you look cold down there, let me warm it up for you" or something like that. But the point is, we were walking, I was first and Elder Yaba was behind. All of a sudden I realize that I'm kind of leaning forward a little more than I should be, and lose my balance a little a little bit. Thank goodness I didn't fall, but I catch myself and just stand there thinking "Wait, that's not normal" and Elder Yaba was like "let's sit here for a second" so we sit down and I buy some juice and smack myself a little bit. Not sure if I just forgot to breathe or I was dehydrated, but I'll work on that this week.

     I think the Lord wanted me to learn another lesson this week that I may have been neglecting a little bit. I'll admit, I have been a little numbers oriented this past little while, and this week I was kind of slapped awake to focus on what I'm doing out here. The reason I am out here is to help people come closer to Christ and to live His Gospel. I am part of His marvelous work and glory, to help bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of others. I'm sad that it took one bad week for me to realize that again, but I am going to really be better about always remembering that. And that goes with everyone. We all have the responsibility of bearing other's burdens as Christ did and helping others wherever they may be. I hope we can all continue to help everyone in any way we can to make and keep sacred covenants with our Heavenly Father.

     That's all I'll say for the week..... and I don't have coronavirus, so don't worry. Love you all!

   Elder Banister