Monday, March 16, 2020

Week 67

 Hello from the Philippines!!!

   My goodness, what a WEEK I don't even know where to start there's been so much. 

1 - So I have a Philippines flag and because I love the Philippines I put it up in our window. It's was  up there for about 2 months. Out of nowhere, we walk into the convenient store below our apartment and this guy goes OFF just telling us that we were using the flag as a curtain, and that we should not be displaying it like that. He got mad a the Filipinos also, for not telling me. WELL let me tell you what, the only thing holding me back at that time to start returning railing for railing was the tag on my chest and the name that I represent. Had to turn the other cheek and just went and took down the flag. 

2 - Now some people may remember that read these things that I ate 60 wings the other week, which was a LOT. Well, we went back there and were ordering, and the unlimited wings and rice deal went from 218 Pesos to 230 Pesos!!! SCAM!!! Coincidence? I think not! Well, I wasn't about to let them make any money off of me, so I had to up my game. The trick is not to think about getting full, and before you know it, you eat 65 wings! Yeah, I know! CRAZY

3 - Alright, the next part is from Friday to now. So Friday morning we get a text to go to a computer shop and read an announcement. We were told to go and buy a list of items per companionship, basically 2 weeks worth of food, that morning. We were to receive money to use, so long story short I used personal money to buy for the 4 Elders in the house and will make it easy. 14,000 Pesos later we were ready for the worst of COVID-19. Saturday was a normal day of work, we had a great day..... up til about 7:30 when we get a call from an AP telling us to go pick up my companion's new companion, aka, I'm being replaced and he's coming right now, and this is the first I'm hearing about it. So apparently some of the transfers had to happen early because come cities are going to be locked down, and so I spent Saturday night packing until about 2 am and got to leave on Sunday morning. Probably the hardest transfer so far, with the ward, people, companion, and house all being super great and all of the sudden BAM, it's just a prank, gotta go somewhere else. STRESSFUL. But now I'm here in a place called Cogeo and it's been pretty good so far. The work has continued and I will survive haha. (Started sounding like a drama queen there)

     I hope that everyone is doing good and staying safe and healthy. Just remember that those who prepare shall not fear, and that the Lord is Bound when we do what He says. I know that's true. That's it for the week! Thank you all for your love and support! 

   Elder Banister