Sunday, February 9, 2020

Week 62

 Hello from the Philippines!!!

     It's been a wonderful week, I finally got rid of Elder Meredith, glad I made it. Haha, just kidding, I was sad to see him go, we were really close. But my new companion is super awesome, his name is Elder Yaba from Bicole. This is his third transfer, so fresh out of his training and ready for the big dogs like Elder Banister I guess. But we've already seen some awesome things happen with just the past 4 days we've been together, so I'm excited for the rest of this transfer. We had Stake Conference this past Sunday and Elder Wakolo visited and spoke. I was really inspired by his teachings, especially about the 5 saving ordinances and the Sacrament. He said that in a very real sense it is a Life and Death Situation, whether or not we will qualify ourselves for Eternal Life by making and keeping sacred Ordinances with God. Sometimes I forget how important missionary work is, but that was a nice little slap in the face by the spirit to remind me. Another thing that has really been focused lately in the mission is preparing for the upcoming General Conference to make it an unforgettable experience. I hope we are all preparing for it as Prophet Russell M. Nelson coulseled. IT WILL BE LEGENDARY in other words. But anyways, I hope that everyone is doing good wherever you may be, thank you all for your love and support!

     Elder Banister

sa susunod nalang ang mga pictures