Monday, February 3, 2020

Week 61

 Hello from the Philippines!

     It's been a good week. Bet you're all sick of reading that same opening every time you read this... wait, do you even read it? Probably not, just a bunch of picture scrollers. Well, that's alright. The point is, Elder Meredith and I had our last week together here in Angono. It's gonna be hard to say goodbye to him, we really were a power companionship. This next transfer is going to be awesome though, I'm super excited to work here in Angono for these next 6 weeks. If I'm being honest, I really am drawing a blank on what to say in this email. I know the work that we do to help gather Israel is truly the Lord's work. I have seen a lot of miracles as I've been called to serve. I've seen The power of the Book of Mormon in the conversion of others. It truly was preserved for our day. I know whoever reads it and ponders it every day will never fall away, but will grow firmer and firmer in faith and testimony. I hope we can all continue to do things to come closer to Christ and stand as a light to those in need. 

     Thank you for all your love and support! Until next week!

  Elder Banister