Monday, January 6, 2020

Week 57

 Hello from the Philippines!!!

     It's been a pretty good week, we have seen a lot of miracles in the work. Sister Saludaga came to church this week, and she brought her mom! Such a power family, we are so happy to be able to teach them. Sister Saludaga is in 2 Nephi 8 now, feasting upon the words of Christ. Elder Meredith and I had a new experience this week. So with everyone we teach, we leave our number also so while they're reading they can text us with any questions and we can answer. I have NEVER received a text asking a question, until just last week when Sister Saludaga had a question in the Book of Mormon. I don't think I've ever been so happy to answer a question before, it was awesome.

     Sister Katherine is also doing well, she came to church with her son. We taught her the Word of Wisdom earlier this week and she is doing good on all points, which is a blessing and a big help to her progress.

     On a more gross note, we spent the morning in the hospital to get my leg checked out. I have an infected boil of all things right above my knee. Who would have thunk. I'll get a good picture for you all. While we were teaching this old lady she slapped my knee about 5 times and Elder Meredith was just dying laughing. That was fun. Anyways, nothing to worry about, I got some antibiotics so we are all good now. 

     Just a little something I liked from my study before I leave; In the Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith he is told by Angel Moroni that his name will be ''had for good and evil among all nations, kindreds, and tongues, or that it should be both good and evil spoken of among all people.'' I have seen this here on the mission and I can only imagine what was going through young Joseph's mind when he heard this. I know that Joseph saw what he said he saw and that he is the Prophet of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through reading the Book of Mormon, all people can know of the truthfulness for themselves. Anyways, thank you all for your love and prayers, until next week!

   Elder Banister