Sunday, January 12, 2020

Week 58

 What a week!

     So we have really been on fire with the work these past couple weeks, like the spirit has been guiding us to so many people and delivering the message to their hearts. Sister Saludaga is doing amazing, she is almost finished with 2 Nephi. And that's not just simply READING the Book of Mormon, that's UNDERSTANDING it also; she won't go on until she has grasped what she has read. Amazing. This past week we went to her and her brother Abel was there. He tried to leave, but sister Saludaga stood up and would NOT let him leave, she was ready to fight him hahaha. So we taught him also and it was amazing. Sister Saludaga is really someone that loves the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and she's sharing that love with her family. 

     Another fun time was while we were in an area called Donya Aurora Ibaba, on the way to an appointment. These three kids come running up to us asking for more pictures of Jesus, the pass along cards we give out. They're about 5 years old maybe, pretty small, cute little kids that are full of energy. I start to play with them a little, and they chase me around, all having a good time. Then out of nowhere one of the little rats winds up his fist and sends it flying into my crotch at high speeds, sending shock to my body and stops me in my tracks. Man, my companion Elder Meredith was laughing so hard, he thought it was the funniest thing in the world. But let me tell you about the next day. We go through the same spot and the three stooges come out again. The one goes straight to punch my tenders again, but I was like "no no no, not this time you little brat" and blocked it. They were just asking for more pictures again, and I said no, so they went to Elder Meredith, and he was in the middle of telling them he didn't have either, when WHAM! Strait to crush his posterity, this time I was the one dying laughing. And you know the saying "monkey see, monkey do", after the first one got him, one of the other little rascals went in again while he was crouched over in pain and cracked the other egg. That will be an experience I will never forget, it was so funny.

     Anyways, my leg is doing a lot better, I finished my last horse pill/Antibiotic this morning. Crazy stuff. Also last night it started raining ash from a volcano, just a little bit, but it smelled like sulfur all night. Thank you all for your prayers and your faith and support. It just gives that boost to get through the tough times. Hope you all have a good week! Don't forget to study your come follow me! I will also get to hear from Elder Cook this week!!!!! Stay tuned for next week on how the visit is!!!

     Elder Banister