Monday, December 30, 2019

Week 56

 Been a good week! 2019 is almost gone, and the legendary year of 2020 will begin. SUPER EXCITED!!! But a few things that have happened this week

     Church was great, we had a combined lesson for second hour. Bishop Espi taught and while he was teaching he was asking about a group in the Book of Mormon that was changed by the Gospel. Then a sister gets up and starts going OFF on a rant about everything under the sun, and the next thing we know, she starts SINGING. She sings this Tagalog song for a solid 5 minutes and at that point, we are struggling to contain our laughter; in other words, we were dying. It's a good thing we weren't too close to the front, that would have been bad. Oh the things you see on the mission. 

     All our friends we are teaching are doing pretty good. Sister Saludaga is doing amazing and still reading the Book of Mormon, she is up to Second Nephi now. We taught her "partner" yesterday and he was also super awesome, we are eager to find out more about their situation to see what the next steps to her conversion are. Sister Katherine is doing pretty good, she has been busy lately with the holidays, but is still letting us come to her. Hopefully after the new year everything calms down and we get on a good roll again. Anyways... next week will be a better email. Promise. That's all for this week!

     Elder Banister