Sunday, December 22, 2019

Week 55

 Hello from the Philippines!!! My goodness, what a monumental week, I have done what I never thought I would get to do: I tried some scooby snacks, if you know what I mean. Now right off the bat, I'm sure there are some of you reading this that are thinking "yOu MonStEr, HoW couLd you dO ThaT?!?!" Well, if it makes you feel better, I had two plates, sooo... oh wait, that would make things worse..... The point is it's done and there's no going back. Also had some balot to go with it, which goes down a lot easier than it used to.

     We had an awesome Christmas party with the ward and had a lot of the people we are teaching come. 

     Just excited for this week where we especially remember the birth and life of our Saviour Jesus Christ. He lives. He loves us. I hope we can all remember Him past the 25th of December and throughout the year. Just a few of my favorite scriptures about Him. The first is 2 Nephi 17:14 and the second is 2 Nephi 19:6 (also found in Isaiah). But the second is 6 For unto us a achild is born, unto us a son is given; and the bgovernment shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called, Wonderful, Counselor, The cMighty God, The dEverlasting Father, The Prince of ePeace. 

     Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! Next week I might have a few pictures.

     Elder Banister