Sunday, December 15, 2019

Week 54

 Hello from the Philippines!!!

     Wow, what a crazy week, let's start with the good stuff. First of all, the Giving Machine was awesome, even though the mall wasn't super busy on Monday. Super glad I got to go and do that. Felt like a couple of province boys going to the big city. And one of the best parts was we got to go eat at Taco Bell. You know you haven't had American food in a while when you get excited about Taco Bell. But anyways, that was good. We also got to do service this past week, that was awesome. There was this little lot with about 20 Banana trees and we went with my machete and cleaned it out. One of the most satisfying things is taking a swing at a banana tree and getting a nice clean slice right through it. We also got to release some of our... built up tension by chucking the chunks of tree to the side. I love missionary work, but I sure do miss work like that, so it was a nice break. I also got some christmas gifts from my family!!! My goodness, there was some awesome stuff in there, my favorites are probably this little book called the Missionary Pal and the most American pen that I have ever seen. I only use it for special occasions.
     We also are in the middle of a miracle with one of the people we are teaching right now. Her name is sister Saludaga. So we have taught her four times so far, and she has been reading the Book of Mormon, which is vital in conversion. This past visit she opened up to us a little bit. She told us that her father had passed away, and a few weeks before we met her, she prayed to God to help her faith become stronger in Him. Then we showed up. I know this work is true. Those seeking to come closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will find no better way than living the Restored Gospel. This upcoming year we should do all we can to stand as close to Christ as possible. Anyways, that was the week in a nutshell, hope everyone has a good week!
     Elder Banister
Oh yeah, we also did some face mask things...