Monday, November 18, 2019

Week 50

Hello from the Philippines, Elder Banister is back in the big city. Just a few things about the area I've learned so far: there's three different unlimited wings and rice places here. THREE. And we've already eaten at two of them! Let's just say I think I'm gonna get along just fine over here. My new companion and I, Elder Meredith, get along great. We've been having a good time just going at the work with a willing attitude. Our mission has a goal to have each companionship have a baptism in the month of December, it's called "White Christmas". So that's where we're pushing, and I know it can happen if we give all we have. So if you would please include that in your thoughts and prayers, that we will be guided to those prepared for the month of December, then I know it will be a great help to us and we will see the hand of the Lord even more in our work. So far we've just been searching for scattered Israel and trying to talk to as many people as we can. I know the work is true, and we will find those prepared to accept the Gospel. I'm grateful for you all, and hope you all have a good week!
     Elder Banister