Monday, November 11, 2019

Week 49

Another week in the Work! It's gone by so fast, already transfers again. And I'm being transferred! Definitely wasn't expecting that, I've only been here 1 transfer and Elder Malifier has been here for 3! But I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for His great work and His hand is always guiding His servants. My new companion will be Elder Meredith. We started together alllllll the way back in the Provo MTC. I'm pumped to go work in Taytay with him.
     Meanwhile, my last week here in Tanay has been pretty good, we had a tender mercy this past Sunday; The Caguimbal Family made it to church! They've been taught for almost 5 months now and this is the first time that they came! Their progress this transfer has been tremendous, especially with the father, Jason. He was able to receive a testimony of the Book of Mormon, and then the Word of Wisdom, and now, he is starting to receive confirmation that Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God. What a privilege it has been to have seen the gospel bless this family. I'm sad to leave them, but I'm glad I had a part in their conversion. 
     The rest can mostly be explained in pictures! I know that Heavenly Father is in the details of our lives. He knows us. He has a perfect love for us. We can always count on Him. Trust in Him and His great Plan of Happiness. Thank you all for your love and support! Until next week!

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