Monday, October 7, 2019

Week 43-44

Hello from the PhiLliPInEs
     It's been a good week so far here in the new area. It's called Tanay, it's basically down the street from my last area in Teresa. My new companion is Elder Malifier, he's from Taguigaraw (it's in the Philippines). The ward here is nice and I'm excited to try and get the work going over here. I'm also excited to have a Filipino companion, my Tagalog has already gotten better from these 5 and a half days, so that's a blessing. And there's a modern day tender mercy here in the area; a member here near our house feeds the 4 missionaries here in Tanay EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT!!! That may not seem like much to you, but that's a huge blessing to us. OH and Elder Briggs and I are united once again!!! We stay in the same house here in Tanay!!! We'll be here during our year mark!!! It's been a blast so far. I forgot how much I missed having more than just 2 people in the house.
     I haven't seen General Conference yet, but I did already look on, and there's been some big changes! Look around everyone, you're part of the ongoing Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, almost 200 years in the works, starting with a young boy named Joseph Smith. What a privilege to be a part of it as members, all playing a part in the work. There's a saying I love, I can't remember who said it though, he said something like "We work in a large field, but cultivate a small one." The work progresses when we each do our part, whatever it may be or however small it may seem.
     Well, I don't have a ton to say this week I guess... It's getting pretty hot, that's for sure. I finished Alma in my "Charity" Book of Mormon. The more I read from Alma, the more hidden lessons and treasures I find. There's a lot to be learned from the war chapters, you just have to find it. That's my advice to you all: search, ponder, and pray, are the things that you must do. I'll leave with a story from this past week though
     So we're walking in the area, it's getting a little late, we were supposed to meet for dinner with our kabahays. So we're just walking, and it's kinda far. Then this guy, we thought he was drunk, like calls us over and starts talking to us... in "English", if you can call it that. I was tired, we were running late, so we tried to make it quick. But this man wasn't having it, he wouldn't let us leave, he literally walked with us until we found a tricycle to ride. I didn't have the patience, so I just went to strait English, usually that scares then away, but it's hard to scare a crazy guy, so he just kept on walking with us. I just told him Three things that he needs to change in his life; Don't drink, don't smoke, and don't steal. Definitely invited him to repent, no doubt about it. That's the shortened story, hopefully he changes his ways. 
     I have one picture for you all that I took this morning, it's my pogi companion Elder Malifier. Thank you all for the love and support! Until next week!
   Elder Banister