Sunday, September 22, 2019

Week 42

Surprise! It's an early P-Day! Just kidding, we just had to use it to go to the Temple today. It was awesome! We got to go with the ward and the Guanlao family. I was even able to be the one to confirm Arlene and Colleen after their proxy baptisms! It was a super awesome experience. 
     I don't have much to say since Monday... the temple trip was definitely the highlight though. Just a heads up for anyone who reads this thing, I won't be emailing until Tuesday October 1st, so don't worry when you don't get it. For everyone that looks for pictures then moves on, it's your lucky day; I got pictures.
     Just to leave with some scripture, I really like something I read this past week in Alma 36:11-21. It's a power section in the Book of Mormon for sure, about the Joy we can receive through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. That's something that I've been trying to magnify these past few days, is focus on the Joy. There's a talk that goes well with it by President Russell M. Nelson titled "Joy and Spiritual Surviving" from October 2016 Sunday Morning Session. Yeah, I was very specific, so there should be no excuses why you didn't read it. These are a few things that can help us all in our lives as we apply the principles taught in them. Read it. Apply it. Feel the Joy. Just three steps, don't be lazy. Anyways, I appreciate all the support from everyone. I hope everyone can more fully feel the joy that is in Jesus Christ.
     Elder Banister