Monday, October 14, 2019

Week 45

Here we are again!!!
     It's been quite a long week, let me tell you. That's what happens when you get bit by a little mosquito with Dengue. But since my "platelet" is still high (because I've been hydrated) I've still been able to walk and work, so that's been good. Gonna take a little more than a mosquito to take down Elder Banister. Definitely wouldn't recommend getting Dengue though. 
     General Conference was super awesome, one theme that stuck out to me was trusting in the Lord. That's a hard thing to do sometimes, especially in the world we live in. I'll have more to say about Conference next week after I re-watch it, I didn't retain a whole lot because it was a little hard to focus and listen. For now I have some pictures of our district activity! We went to the Daranak Falls, here in Tanay. That's all for this week! Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, I'm grateful for all the support. Pray for the people of Tanay, we're trying to get the area going and every prayer helps. 
     Elder Banister