Monday, August 5, 2019

Week 35

Well here we are again, another week down and 3 MORE PEOPLE IN THE GATE!!! Arlene, Colleen, and Dhan Guanlao were baptized and confirmed this past week. Elder Freeman and I found them last transfer and it was kind of up and down at times, but I'm glad we stuck with them, because they were willing to repent and enter the waters of baptism. I made mashed potatoes this week, like a huge pot. #IDAHOELDER. Something I studied though was in Acts with the conversion of Saul, who was later called Paul. It is a comfort to know that even in the times of the early day saints, there were still people that didn't accept the gospel, or even believe in Jesus Christ. As a missionary, and as a member in general, it's not our responsibility to force people to believe, because that'll never work. Our responsibility is to share and to invite others to come to Christ, being an example to others and lifting where we stand. We shouldn't get discouraged or give up, because that's what the adversary wants. We have to keep going and growing along the way, no matter the challenges that come. And when we fall, there's always someone there to help us up and dress our wounds; The Savior. Anyways, hope everyone has had a good week, Thank you all for the love and support!
               p.s. I forgot my card reader, so no pictures this week for all you "scRoLl tO ThE botToM foR tHe PicTurEs" people

   With love, Elder Banister