Monday, July 29, 2019

Week 34

Hello from the Philippines
     A lot happened this week, let's give a recap

   Elder Kaufusi had his birthday, the sisters surprised him with some gifts because they're so awesome and we had one of the best meals so far in the mission, marinated chicken and real MASHED POTATOES
   We did some service planting corn as a district
   We had a ministering activity with the ward and I think it was pretty successful
   We went on a bike ride this morning and a lot of things broke, even my handlebars, so that was fun
     That was about it I guess, not too much. But I got some good pictures, so that's a plus. Something that really helped me this week was actually this thing called companionship inventory. It's basically where you help you companion to grow and improve. We actually call it a "Do Batter, Be Better" moment now, from President Russell M. Nelsons talk in this past Priesthood session (Elder Kaufusi's idea). But usually it's not that productive, just kind of passed over. This past time though, I don't know why, but it seemed like some spiritual bricks fell on me, bricks to use and strengthen some things. But yeah, even without someone actually there saying things out loud, there's always a companion that can help strengthen you; the Holy Ghost. Even a personal inventory with real intent to get better can be strengthening. I think as we do this, we will really press down on the accelerator on our journey to reach our potential. And that's the week. Thank you all for your love and support! Here's some pics to make up for the weeks I didn't send any.
Elder Banister