Monday, July 22, 2019

Week 33

It's been a good week!
     So this past week we had three of the people we're teaching get interviewed to be baptized and everything went well, they're all well prepared. But yesterday, they didn't come to church because they didn't have any water, so they couldn't shower, and Elder Kaufusi and I were like "alright Satan, funny joke" and so now we're moving it to August 3. But they're still super excited and so are we. 
     We also did a little exploring past this mysterious hanging bridge for the first time, and it turns out there's more than just three houses over there. There's actually a ton of people up and throughout the mountain, and a main road heading down that actually pops out near the church. Talk about potential! I'm not even mad that we got soaked on the way back, it was worth it.
     Church was interesting yesterday. So there's six missionaries in our ward, the whole district. And some how, the discussion in Sunday school got wayyy off topic. First it kind of branched out into revelation, then it got turned into some examples of the new changes in the church, which is all good stuff. Then it got onto the topic of mission presidents "receiving revelation" for a time period that returning missionaries should get married within. That's when me and Elder Kaufusi looked at each other and were like, "huh, that's interesting, we were just reading this manual and it quoted from the actual Mission President Handbook saying mission presidents should 100% NOT do that" (we didn't say it all out loud, but that's what the look we gave each other said). So I was like "Elder, get up and say that," so he did and it was so funny because they were all like "ahhh, okay" and you could see the false doctrine and stupidity leave the room haha. Now that's the reaction you get from teaching correct principles with power and authority. 
     But anyways, I appreciate all the support from all you guys. It really means a lot and is another motivation to do my best. I hope everyone is doing good and staying true. Also sorry, no new pictures, I'll be better next week. Sorry to all the phonies that scroll to the bottom looking for pictures.

     Elder Banister