Monday, July 15, 2019

Week 32

Hello everyone
     It's been a pretty good and crazy week, there's a lot of things that happened this week. The main thing is I got my new companion, Elder Kaufusi. My mom wants 3 words to describe him, and I would have to say, beastly, strong, and biggerthanme. He's from Utah, but is full Tongan. It's gonna be a fun transfer, I'm excited. My ukulele skills have already gotten better since he's been here. 
     Yesterday we had a good time in church, especially in the special service in Ondoy. As we were finishing, a storm hit and turned the streets into muddy soup. It was actually kind of fun in the rain. I learned that water proof shoes are counter productive when they fill up with water dripping from your pants. 
     This week I really dove in to Alma chapter 32, you know, the one with the seed comparison. I've learned a lot more from it as I take the time to really study and ponder than I have any other time reading it. It's super helpful to slow down and really ponder things. That's one thing I struggle with, is I see all these things that I want to know and I don't know where to start. But just slowing down and really trying to understand even just one verse or chapter or principle at a time has really helped me. Plus the quality of the learning is wayyy better than just rushing through it all. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon kind of deal. 
     Anyways, hope everyone is good and doing what they're supposed to. Thank you all for the love and support!

Elder Banister