Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Week 31

Hello from the Philippines!
     It's transfer week already, the time is starting to fly. My companion Elder Freeman finished his mission and will be heading back to the states to do some "finding" at college. I'm glad to have served with him and learned from his example. I'm also excited about m new companion, Elder Kaufusi. I've met him and he's a beast, we're about to make the area explode. 
     This week has been pretty good though, I'm starting to feel the satisfaction of missionary work and it just makes me want to get out there and TEACH. We met President Alder and he is a great man. I know he has been called of God, and also that he knows how to WORK. It the meeting with our zone to meet him, we learned a lot about his family and he focused on Doctrine and Covenants 4. We actually were asked to recite it, and I felt very uncomfortable every time he would look in my direction and I was just moving my mouth mumbling inaudibly. You best believe I memorized it laater that day. He talked a lot about "sharpening out sickle" and it caused me to reflect on things I need to do better and change to be a sharper tool in the hands of the Lord. POWER!!!
     We're still working with the Guanlao family and the Canarias family. They're both super awesome and are going to be a great strength to the ward. The Canarias family has led to a whole pool of new people to teach and hopefully they all follow Christ into the waters of Baptism. 
     The 4th of July was well celebrated in our house though, I sang the National Anthem about 15 times and wore some patriotic colors. We also ate some burgers at this little restaurant and... really that was about it. Not even a single firework which was a sayang, but it'll just be all the better in 2021. 
     Anyways, it's been a huge support to have everyone back home for the support. Even from half way across the world, it's still a huge help. I know that that's the way it is meant to be, to learn and grow and be strengthened by one another in families. I'm so glad that I am sealed to my family with the assurance that whatever happens, as we stay faithful we will be together forever. That we all do our part and stay on the path is my hope and prayer always.
     Sorry no pictures this week. I'll make sure to get some next week for all the scammers that scroll to the bottom and check for pictures. Love and miss you all!
  Elder Banister