Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Week 36

Hello from the Philippines!!!
     It's been a good week, I can't believe it's already Monday again. It started off with our first interviews with President Alder where he looked into my soul. It was pretty good, and I learned a lot of things that I can do better and improve. Not like I was chastised or anything, just really his presence made me want to be better. So that set off the week good. 
     We have some serious potential that we're teaching here in Teresa, and I'm hoping I get to stay here for another transfer and keep teaching and inviting here. 
     Something funny that happened this week was while we were on the way to an appointment. So there was this group of teenagers just kinda chilling there smoking and stuff, just your normal stupid teenager behavior. And something about being in a group with your buddies just really makes you dumb. So here we are, walking down, pretty tired from the day, and these guys start saying stuff to us. Not  anything bad, just trying to look cool in front of their friends, speaking in broken English. So with the was Elder Kaufusi and I are, we stop and start talking to them in English of course. Just something we like to do. It gives us a laugh and it humbles some heads, a win win situation.
     Another time we were walking and this little 2 foot tall 3 year old randomly says "Baklat ka" which means "you're gay", and I was like "What?!" and  he just kept saying it then switched to "Pangit ka" which means "you're ugly". Good thing he was just a kid or I might have roasted him.
     I also found the biggest spider so far in my time here and we sent it away in a glorious ball of fire and a loud bang. 
     That was basically the week as I can remember it. The time is starting to fly by and it's stressful, but I know that just means that I'm really getting into the work.
     I also heard my uncle got in a little bit of an accident and I'm glad he'll be okay. All I can say is he should watch some safety videos hahaha. (Please don't get offended, it just means I love you.)
     Anyways, thank you all for the love and support. Here's some pictures that hopefully make up for the quality of the email!