Monday, May 20, 2019

Week 24

Oh dang, my brother is 17 now, shout out to that handsome devil. I'll get you something real nice. But hello from Teresa, things are going good in the mission field. We received news that we're having an apostle visit this week!!! Elder Dale G. Renlund will be visiting on Thursday. He talked about faith with action this past conference, comparing it to a giant pile of wood. We're all super excited here in the Quezon City Mission. 

This week we got to do some more service, too. It was pretty fun. We picked up trash along the side of the road for like 3 hours. Now I know what you're thinking. Probably something like "did this kid just say picking up trash on the side of the road was fun? Did he get heat stroke or dropped as a child?!" Well it's true, even picking up trash with your bare hands for 3 hours can be enjoyable when it's service. Mosiah 2:17 all the way, read it and weep, then after you dry your tears, go out and do some service. It's absolutely fulfilling and there's no substitute for it. 

On a completely unrelated note I saw the biggest snail I've ever seen the other day. Super random, I know. Probably wondering right now what kind of missionary this is. Well, just one that likes to admire and take awe in all of God's creations, that's what kind. So Boom, Roasted. 

I know that our Heavenly Father has a plan for each and every one of us. I ponder sometimes about how each individual life is so different and the experiences we each have are so unique...yet He has provided a way for us all to return to Him. He gave His son, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Christ took upon Himself the sins of the world; every trial he overcame; every sorrow He has experienced; every heartache, He has felt. He knows what we are going through, and He is always there to help, we just have to take the actions to go to Him. He will accept us with open arms and help lift the burdens that we bear. This is my testimony, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Now some mom questions to top it off
1. Best thing I ate?
      Well, we got to eat at our stake President's house this past week as a district this past week, and lets just say he's mayaman talaga. We got some real burgers that he went and got some place far away that tasted like heaven.
2. How am I feeling? Healthy???
      Yes mom, jeez, I feel healthy. I'm still young and pretty sure invincible, so don't worry

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!

Elder Banister 2