Monday, May 27, 2019

Week 25

Hello from the Philippines!
This week I got a new favorite Apostle, Elder Dale G. Renlund. I even got to shake his hand!!! We were able to have him all to ourselves here in the Quezon City Mission back on Thursday. We were asked to prepare ourselves spiritually the two weeks leading up to the visit, studying two talks they assigned us and continually praying in our hearts. I went in there prepared to receive revelation and be taught by the spirit, and that's exactly what happened. The words he spoke felt like they were directed right towards me, even though there was a lot of us there listening. The spirit was so strong. I know that Elder Dale G. Renlund is an Apostle of the Lord. The spirit has testified that to me. I know he is called of God. I am grateful for the gift of personal revelation, and know as we come to the Lord having prepared ourselves in humility with sincere questions, we will receive answers.

This week is transfer week, and I found out that for the first time, I'll be with the same companion for more than one transfer!!! But it's limited to two transfers, because this will be his last transfer in the mission... but still! I'm relieved, because I don't know if I could lead this area yet. Should be a good last transfer for Elder Freeman, we're going to work hard. I always call him Trunkatron and it makes him want to work even harder, it's great.

That was the week, super excited for this next one. Thank you all for your prayers and support! It helps me every day.