Monday, May 13, 2019

Week 23

Hi everyone, all is good in the Philippines, I said everything I wanted to when I called my mom so it'll be nice and short this week. Bet you're all glad to hear that, huh? Probably just thought to yourself "oh jeez, another email from that one elder in the Philippines". Oh well my bad, sorry to be such a burden, haha. But it's been a good week, we had the baptism of Eduardo this weekend and it was fantastic. It's always such a cool thing to see the gospel change a life. The sisters in our district are really impatient and finished before us, so I have to cut it short. Here's some pictures though of the baptism. Sorry I couldn't put more thought into this, you know those sisters. Anyways, thank you all for your support!
Elder Banister 2

Sister Hill, Sister Wadsworth

PS From Beth: It was so nice to talk to Kolby yesterday!! Almost 2 hours! He likes this area a lot. He said there are hills and it's starting to rain more which he loves. They haven't had water for 3 weeks at their home and have had to haul water from another location for everything! Even for the baptismal font! But he said once it starts raining more he will have water again. He is looking forward to a visit from Elder Renlund later this month. He is just visiting their mission so he's pretty excited to hear from an apostle. He requested more CTR rings in Tagalog and little glow sticks. I sent him some in his last package and he said everyone loves them old and young!! Who knew?? Thanks for your love everyone!! Beth