Monday, May 6, 2019

Week 22

Hello from the Philippines, the rain is coming. 

Finally we got some rain over here this past week, and rain season should start here soon, so I'm excited. We also have a baptism planned for this upcoming Saturday, so that's even more exciting. His name is Eduardo and his wife and daughter were baptized recently. It should be a real blessing that they have the support of each other as a family.

I splurged a little this week and bought a machete. I really think I need it for missionary work, so that's why I bought it. Because if I didn't. I wouldn't be able to focus on the work because I would just be thinking about how cool the machete is!!! So it really was necessary, and I have no regrets. Plus I've been daring that rooster to try a stunt like last week again so I can test it out. I haven't had a problem again though. Guess he was too... chicken.... ha...... ha.... wow I'm hilarious.

But this week was pretty good, we've been working hard. Elder Freeman and I have been setting some goals to help us become better. Our goals this week are run 4 times with 1 big workout, eat out less than 3 times, and have a whole day English fast. They're pretty simple goals, but they help us be more united and focused. Then of course we have goals for the people we're teaching also. 

Something I read in the scriptures this week again was about Amalickiah. He's a real bad man with real bad intentions and aspirations. But Captain Moroni won't have none of that, so he just gets absolutely wrecked. It's awesome. Alma 45:24 through the end of Alma really, but through Alma 49 is all just so good. I know if we continue to make spiritual preparations against the temptations of the world and watch diligently, we will be prepared when the temptations and challenges of the world come upon us. Most of all we have to have our lives centered on Jesus Christ and truly take His name upon ourselves as we promised to do when we were baptized. The true protection and blessings of this come when we are living the gospel and keeping our covenants as we should. I know this is true and I share it in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Anyways, that's all I have to say. Lastly I'll answer the "Mom" questions.
        1. Do you fix a lot of your own food?
                 Yes mom, we cook a lot, we live right next to the palenke, which is like the farmers market, where we buy fresh produce and meat, so we eat fresh and good. It's actually awesome, we eat fruit and vegies, lots of cucumbers too, it's all good.
         2. Is there lots of places to shop and eat still?
                 No mom, there's not many here. Just Macdo and Jollibee, plus some drugstores we can get stuff at, so it's not too different.
         3. Since you are in this area will you be in the new mission?
                 Yes mom, if I stay here after the May 29th transfer day, I'll be in the new Antipolo Mission
         4. Three words to describe your companion?
                 Wrestler, pogi, third-of-ten-kids-from-a-farm-family-in-Washington
         5. Shoes holding up???
                  Yes mom, the shoes can still stay on my feet and I expect them to last the mission because I'm too picky and cheap about my shoes and don't want to go find another pair I like.
         6. Health???????
                   Still healthy and strong, still haven't gotten very sick so far on the mission, and hopefully it stays that way.

       Alright, those were painful to answer and probably more painful to read. Congratulations to all those that endured with me. Sorry no pictures, I'll try to get some good ones for next week. Love you all and thank you all for your support!

Elder Banister