Monday, April 29, 2019

Week 21

Hello from the Philippines!

I've been slacking on my emails, so I'll make this one a good one. We had a good week this week with a lot that happened. First with the spiritual stuff. Brother Cesar who has been taught for about 4 weeks now was set to be baptized this upcoming week. He really wanted to be baptized and confirmed on the 4th and 5th of May because that was his dad's birthday. We visited him on April 21st and basically told him if he wanted to be baptized that weekend, he would have to stop smoking. We gave him a Priesthood Blessing to help him. We texted him throughout the week to check up and make sure he was still staying strong. One night he didn't text back though. Oh man, not a good sign. We visited him later that day and he said that he had smoked. We were sorry to hear that, but it was alright. I think the more important thing is that he was honest with us. He recognized that this was a commandment of God, and it was required to follow before making a serious covenant with the Lord. He also understood the importance of honesty and worthiness with such a commitment like this, and knew that worthiness was more important than having the baptism on the day he wanted. I hope that we can all have this kind of strength, realizing that when we try and cover up our sins, we may be able to fool the eyes of our fellow men, but nothing is hid from the eyes of God. We'll all stand before God to be judged of our works. Strait out of the Bible, Revelations 20:12. I guess we get to decide if that will be a day we look forward to or one we dread. May we all strive to always be worthy of the spirit and use the Atonement of Jesus Christ. He is the ONLY way we can be clean and return to our Heavenly Father.

Now for some good stuff (as if that wasn't good). Last week when we were teaching there was a crazy thud and screeching on the tin roof of the house we were in. Then all of the sudden these two cats fall about 7 feet landing on the ground, literally biting each others throats and clawing at each other. It was awesome, I wish they would have fought longer, but they ran out and continued fighting. Stupid cats.

There was an earthquake here, and it's a good thing we weren't home because the ceiling fell through and we have to move apartments. Just kidding, we were home and nothing really happened. I was washing clothes and the spinner was going. It just spins super fast and gets most the water out, but when it slows down, it shakes really bad. Of course it started slowing down when the house started shaking, so I was like "what kind of spinner is this?!, it's shaking the building!!!". Yeah, I feel like an idiot, but at least I can say I've felt an earthquake now. 

We had the opportunity to do service twice this week, and I had the opportunity to let out some steam that may or may not have been building up a little. We chipped away at the clay with pounding bars to make a spot to lay a foundation. It was nice to work like that again, I miss it. Six months off takes a toll though, I found out that I have little girl hands. I got 3 blisters on my hand that make me feel like a sissy every time I look at them. It's embarrassing. But I'll try and get them back to their former glory. The second service project was like unto the first, except this time we were clearing a field of tall grass where a fire had passed through. Their house is literally on the top of the mountain and the fire almost ate their house, which is 3 walls and a roof. I had fin doing that though, we hacked away at the tall burnt grass with scythes. I had a blast, but got some grass cuts along the way. Dang soft hands. 

Finally I found out that I hate Roosters a lottttt. It has consistently crowed outside our window at like 5:30 am for the past week. I might actually kill it. There's a video to express my feeling more. 

That's the week. There's a lot more, but I think that will do for now. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Stay close to the Savior, the second coming is nigh at hand, and I'm pretty sure you'll want to be on his side when things go down. Love you all

Elder Banister 2