Monday, April 8, 2019

Week 18

We were able to help Jerome enter the waters of Baptism this week and help him make his first covenant with our Heavenly Father. It was a refreshing reminder to see the happiness the gospel brings and helped me remember why I'm here. I'm not going to lie, it was a little testing this week. Some homesickness, the planting of seeds, Tagalog, the humidity/summer increasing... but it's nothing a verse in the Book of Mormon can't fix. Dang, I love personal revelation. Moroni 9:6 was the answer to my prayers this week. Some back story first.... Way back when in the MTC, I started my "Patience Book of Mormon". Basically the idea of it as explained by Elder Bednar is to read the Book of Mormon cover to cover with a concern or topic in your mind, marking everything that applies. Then by the time you're done reading, you're an expert on that topic. So I did that with patience, because that's something that I really struggled with. This past week, I was able to finish it, and that's when I found the answer that I needed. #BlEsSed. I'm now restarting and focusing on Charity as described in Moroni 7:45. I can't wait to see what I learn from it this time through.

I know that personal revelation is a real thing and a blessing from God. We can receive divine help from our Heavenly Father specifically for us. Hopefully we all take advantage of this and are always worthy, in tune with the spirit, and ready to receive what we need. The church is true and I know it. If you don't know that, don't just take my word for it, find out for yourselves. And, if you do know, help others find their way. Love and miss you all. Thank you all for your prayers!

Elder Banister 2

(I'll get some pictures of Jerome next week, I don't have them yet)