Monday, April 1, 2019

Week 17

We got a bap date! This weekend Jerome will be baptized and make his first covenant with our Heavenly Father. The blessings for him are about to start flowing. We had an awesome FHE with stake Patriarch Abril and his family and Jerome was able to come with us. He had an awesome time and I think that it helped to show that we're still people too as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 

We kind of had a brick wall week, as in the people really just kicked us from one house to the other. Not gonna lie, it's getting a little old trying to express how important the things we have to offer them are and the second they see us it's an instant "okey lang kami" or "ah, pasensia, catholico kami". But it's all good, it's not a problem for us, we'll find the people we need to teach sooner or later.

We had a district activity today though and saw some awesome views of the city. I also got a beautiful burn on my neck, but it's nothing a little aloe vera won't fix. 

We also saw the cat lady twice this week in our area, so looks like I'm not so safe from her after all. She gave us these random flyers each time, one for welders and one for donations to a catholic church. No kittens though.

Hopefully everyone is doing well, I'm praying for you every day. Stay strong and remember that Christ has our backs when we keep our covenants and use His Atonement. And when Christ has our back, the devil himself can't knock us down. Love and miss you all

Elder Banister 2