Monday, March 25, 2019

Week 16

Another fun week in the mission. Summer is definitely starting off with a good stride. Stay hydrated everyone, the sun is a killer. And so is the Devil, so John 4:14. Oh snap, take that Satan. I'll never thirst again. 

 So I met my first actual crazy person at church yesterday. Elder Thompson and Elder Broqueza met her earlier this week and she got a "thing" for Americans. Especially Americans named Elder Thompson apparently. So we have church from 8:00 am to 10:00 am and the next ward is from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Elder Balajadia and I get out of class and are just talking to some members and waiting for a meeting when this sister comes and starts talking to me. I usually don't understand everything people say to me, but with her I could barely understand anything. We had a one sided conversation for a while which was mostly her rambling on and scooting closer to me while I'm just scooting away, nodding, and trying not to laugh. I was catching some words, like she said she met Elder Thompson and something about cats, that's about all I could understand. Thank goodness we had to go to our meeting. I tell her that Elder Thompson will be here soon and go into the meeting. About 5 minutes into the meeting she pokes her head in then struts in rambling on again. We get up and show her out and then she sees Elder Thompson. Poor Elder Thompson.... but better him than me, so we dump her onto them and go back into the meeting. Afterwards we go upstairs because we have someone we're teaching that goes to the second ward and she is STILL talking to Elder Thompson. And it's not good stuff, it's stuff that nobody asked for, cares for, wants to know, or has ANY interest in whatsoever. The best part of it all was when she asked Elder Thompson "Do you like cats?" then she reaches into her bag, does a little digging around, and pulls out a little kitten. A KITTEN. OUT OF HER BAG. Thank goodness there's some Young Single Adults that were there to help get her out of there.

We have had some good lessons with some Less Active members this week. It's hard to try and get them to feel the sense of urgency that they should, especially with the second coming nigh at hand. But I think we're making some progress. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

I found a Jack fruit tree this week and I walked by it every day for the past 3+ months, so that makes me wonder what else I've missed. Guess I'll try opening my eyes more often haha. They're only 100 to 150 pesos here ($2-$3), and even less in the province. Hope everyone is doing good all around, the Savior is always here if you need a helping hand, just take it and don't let go. Dang, another one for the fridge haha. Until next week, 

Elder Banister 2