Friday, November 30, 2018

MTC Week 6-last week!!

Hi mom. Tagalog is going good, I've learned a lot but there's still a lot to learn. Should be interesting to be thrown into it. The past week has flown by super fast. I'm pretty excited to get out of here, it's gotten smaller every day. We'll see how this flying business is. Hopefully it's not too bad. Hannah looks so cute! She'll probably be walking and talking when I get back. That's awesome. I got TWO super awesome packages this week. The first was from Kerri. You saw the video when her friend Mindy gave it to me. It had 1400 ORANGE TIC TACS! And some awesome pens that I can use in my scriptures that don't bleed through. That was awesome. Plus the Mountain Dew you sent in your package were super good. Almost as good as green label. I still have like 12 left, but I can make those disappear pretty fast. The Christmas Crack will be gone today too, of course. I'm just a little sick this week, tis the season. No snow yet, but it's been raining pretty hard the last few nights. I'm excited about the next week. Big changes from here I'm sure. One thing that we've been working on this week as a district is virtue. It actually helps a lot. Just staying focused and having making sure I only have good thoughts has made the week go so much smoother. Hope Everyone is doing good, I miss you all.

Love Elder Banister 2