Friday, December 7, 2018

Philippines week 1

Hi everyone. I made it safe to the Philippines thank goodness. Not sure I trust those huge planes all the way yet, but it was cool to fly in one. It's as hot as they say it is here which came to a surprise to me for some reason. We took a bus to the mtc from the airport and the traffic was INSANE. there's pretty much no rules and I thought we were going to crash like 20 times. There's a million people on scooters cutting through the cars. But we made it safely to our little mtc bubble. It's really pretty here. I haven't seen any big spiders yet, just a cockroach. Nothing special there, I saw those all the time in the Borah locker room. There's some massive bumble bees though. Like the size of a half dollar all over the place. The food is really good here so far. And the rolls and bread are all home made and I eat so many. I even eat the eggs because I don't want to waste food. Everything is super cheap and I almost feel bad wanting to buy everything. But that's not really important, what's important is what I'll be teaching. Anyways, the temple here reminds me of the Boise temple. The outside at least, I'm going there later today so I haven't been inside yet. Glad you finally got a tree. It doesn't feel like Christmas because it's so dang hot here, it's a little weird. But it's alright, I'll get used to it. I'll be in the field next week so I'm sure I'll have some more to say then. Love and miss you all

Elder Banister 2