Friday, November 23, 2018

MTC week 5

Hi mom, I can't believe that you guys are actually painting my room! and that turkey looks so good. Thanksgiving was super good here, but just not the same. We had a LOT going on though. That's not me in the picture you sent at the service project, but it does look like me haha. We just packed some breakfast meals for people that don't have them. I was a weigher and made sure that they were all within a certain weight, it was pretty fun. We had a morning devotional and ELDER UCHTDORF AND HIS WIFE SPOKE TO US!!!! It was super awesome. Then we had another devotional about the light the world project this year and conversion. Then we had a musical devotional that was pretty cool. Also we got to watch the other side of heaven. And they're making a second one next summer, so that's pretty cool. So just a pretty full day. I also found out yesterday that I'm leaving on the third and that seems sooo close. It'll be alright though. I don't really know anything else I need, but if you're sending a package anyways then maybe you could send some Christmas crack haha. Either way it's all good. The Christmas lights are all on now, so it's cool at night. I'm a lot closer with the district now, we've all come pretty close together. There was a 2 hour power outage during class and we had to bring our lights and that was interesting. Oh, and I got your other package, thanks for sending me all that stuff. Alma 34:38 is a good scripture that I came across for this week. I put more pictures on my drive, so you can look through those. Hope everything is going good there. Make sure Hazel doesn't forget me.

Love, Elder Banister 2

Link to article about MTC Thanksgiving!!

Nate Hart (friend from school) 
Power outage!

View from his room