Friday, November 16, 2018

MTC week 4

This is Kolby's reaction after he took off the plate and there was NOTHING inside. 

Hi mom, it's been a pretty good week. Elder Gary E. Stevensen came and spoke to us and it was broad cast to all the mtcs. And Brayden emailed and said he saw me so that was pretty awesome. I'm having a little trouble not pounding some elders into the ground. Some of the crap they do here, oh my gosh. I'm just too used to Preston or Dallin doing something stupid and then I can just smack them and they stop. Guess that's part of my training. Also tell Dallin and Tayla thanks for the cards and why didn't Preston write me one. These stupid scales say I gained 13 pounds from the last time I checked, but I'm starting to wonder if I gained some of that during the summer... Either way I'm pushing 160 now haha. There's another apostle coming on Thanksgiving so that'll be awesome. I also sing in the choir and it's only fun because Brother Eggett is the director. He has a lot of cool stories. My district is Elders Briggs, Matina, Dean, Barahona, Shaffer, and Chubbuck. Only elder Briggs and I are going to Quezon City. My new favorite words of the week are Gagamba, Manok, and nakakapagpabagabag.

Kolby's desk area. (I sent him a bunch of mormonads and pictures!)

Also something I've been studying in depth this week is Alma chapter 14. It's pretty powerful. Worst thing that happened this week was our whole zone had to go meet with mtc President Martino and get roasted because someone drew on our doors and we didn't wash it off or report it to him. That was terrible. I've started hiding Mountain Dew in bushes at night so in the morning it's Ice Cold. it's pretty awesome haha. I haven't gotten 1 of the packages, the one with my shoes I'm assuming, but that's okay. Another one of my friends came on Wednesday, his name is Nate Hart, he's super good at singing and it was nice to see a familiar face. Hopefully the ribs are good, but all I know is that when I get back, we're making some dutch oven turkey. I miss you all and hope everything is going good at home. Also thanks SOOO much for the caramels, those taste amazing. 

Talk to you in a week
Elder Banister 2