Friday, September 18, 2020

Chicago Week 16

 Hello from Chicago 

   This week has been super crazy. Monday Elder Randall got to go through the temple for the first time in Navoo, which was a really cool experience for him. His parents were able to come also and be with him. I actually got to meet them both when they got back! That was pretty awesome.
   And on Saturday we had the baptism of Stephen! That was my highlight. Stephen is super awesome and we are glad that he made the decision to be baptized. Not going to lie, but of all the people I have taught on my mission, he had the smoothest progression of all, all the way through his baptism. It was awesome! 
   At the baptism, we had some of our friends come and watch also! The spirit was strong there.
   So just some of the things that day, we got there early and set it all up, we had about an hour before it starts, so we decided to go get some lunch. As we walk out and the door clicks, I remember that I left the keys to the church inside my bag, now inside the locked building. So we went and got some lunch at taco bell, I'm a stress eater, so I ate a cravings box by myself ( 4 tacos and 4 burritos). We go back and wait. Stephen gets there and we are there about 5 minutes and bishop comes with his keys, thank goodness. Then President and sister Shumway come also to watch the baptism! That was a surprise. Everything worked out in the end, and it was a really spirit filled experience for everyone in attendance.
   Thank you all for your love and support, I know I am where I need to be! 
   Elder Banister