Alright, before you start reading this email, I need you to focus for me. I'm going to take you on a journey. It is a scene in a movie called " Batman: The Dark Knight", in a tunnel with the Joker, holding a rocket launcher in the back of a semi truck. He fires, then suddenly the bat mobile appears, taking the hit and saving Harvey Dent! Little did they know, years after filming, an even bigger spectacle would occur: Elder Banister and his new companion Elder Morrow would be driving through that very tunnel on the way home from Walmart! Who would have thought that such a thing would ever happen?! But anyways...
I had the craziest dream the other night. I was off to serve my mission in a land far away called the Philippines speaking something called Tag-a-log for two whole years. I got off the plane and was hit with humidity, surrounding me. I did a lot: teaching people, walking up mountains and in rain, eating baby ducks and dog... it was quite a strange dream. But anyways, I'm here serving in the Illinois Chicago Mission and have a short 4.5 months left. I guess crazy dreams and stuff happen to you when you get close to being done. The Lord works in mysterious ways indeed.
I do hope you'll all forgive me for not emailing sooner (as if anyone reads this far). You all probably know that my mission in the Philippines was cut short due to the growing dangers from COVID-19. But the Lord wasn't finished with me yet, oohhhh no. He hired me for 2 years of hard work and that's what He was going to get. You may all think while I was home I was immediately transformed into a basement troll that watched TV all day and ate a lot of potato chips. Well absolutely not, the clock was still running for me, maybe not as a missionary, but as a "hard working man" I like to say. So I couldn't just sit around, it is now against my nature. So I built some boxes, and a baby shed, and a monster shed, and other miscellaneous nonsense to pass the time. It's a strange thing being home when you didn't expect to be. But I survived, saying goodbye to my family for the second time to finish my two years in Chicago.
So far it has been a lot better than I expected, which is a good thing because I was expecting pretty bad. We have stayed really busy this past week teaching people and sharing messages with members. We also are getting big into Facebook because we can't really go out knocking doors, sooo... we knock online? Yeah, pretty much, we have a page we monitor and comment and post things, hoping to spark interest in others and bring everyone closer to Christ. I'm not the most tech savvy or really have much care at all for social media, but... I make it work and help how I can haha. That's the best way I can put it.
I've been here in the YSA ward the past week, which covers a big part of the mission. I've enjoyed it a lot! But I'm already being transferred, so that was short lived. Fun fact, the rioting was in my area! We saw some of the aftermath, it was... concerning to say the least, but we're told it should pass within the week.
I will be with two other Elders in my next area, so that will be a first for me. Should be fun!
But enough with the bore you say, let's get on with the pictures. Before that, I just want to say thank you all for your love and support. It means a lot and gives me strength and hope for the coming months. Stay safe and healthy!
Elder Banister Round 2
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