Sunday, December 1, 2019

Week 52

 Hello from the Philippines!

     So there was a typhoon coming our way, but while I was talking to my family we got a text that it's not coming towards us anymore. So..... that's good. Great. Fantastic. But it's been a good week, nothing super crazy, except for a MIRACLE!!! We got our friend Catherine to church this past week! We met her while we were visiting a recent convert on Wednesday, and asked if we could share with her. So we shared about the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. She was awesome, and even let us come back! The next visit was on Friday, and we shared a bit about the Plan of Salvation and our life here on earth. She poured her heart out to us and shared a little about her life and the struggle she's had so far. Then she was able to make it to church on Sunday!!! This is the start of her journey in accepting the Gospel, and we are super excited to help her along the way. This is what the Gospel is all about; changing lives and bringing others unto their Savior Jesus Christ. And what a time to do it! With Christmas right around the corner, we should all strive to emulate the light of Christ to others. Just uplift where you can, and the world will be filled with the light of Christ. That's all for the week, I would send pictures, but the computer is sPecIAl. Love you all!
     Elder Banister