Monday, October 28, 2019

Week 47

Hello from the Philippines!
     Some of you may know, but I've been away for a little over a year now. I've learned a lot this past year, and hopefully helped a lot of people along the way. After all is said and done, there's really only one thing I can say, and that is.... ooooooooohhhhhhhhh, we're half   wayyy  theeeere, OOOOOOHHHH!!! Livin' on a praaayer! Take my handed, we'll make it I sweeeeaaarr, OOOHHHHHH!!! Livin' on a prayyyyeeerrrr!!!
     That's right, your Elder Banister made it a year away from home. Feels pretty unreal, it seems like just the other day I was hauling a suitcase of Mountain Dew up 3 flights of stairs in the MTC (if you don't know the story, ask my mom). What good memories and lessons I've learned from a year serving the Lord. Definitely the most challenging thing I've done so far in my life here on earth, but I know, though it may seem hard at times, that the blessings and things the Lord has in store are more glorious and wonderful than I can imagine. The same goes for all of us. The temptations and things we go through in this life might seem too hard to bear at times; the sacrifices and commandments we are asked to live may seem too much to be asked of us. But if only we could see what will come to those who remain faithful! Let us all perform our labors well in the day of this life and rest our souls in the Kingdom of God. We will be filled with Joy beyond our comprehension while here on earth. Trust the Lord and the promises He has in store for us. 
     Well, as tradition, I burned one of my shirts this past Thursday. And, I was blessed enough to be in the same house as Elder Briggs, my MTC companion. That was a tender mercy and we had a blast. In the words of an anonymous poet "Stories were told. Oreos were shared. A year had passed." Yeah, he's not a very good poet, that's why he remains anonymous. But still, that describes the night.
     Earlier this week we also had some pizza that deserves a shout out. I sometimes I daydream about all the foods I used to enjoy. I may have changed a lot over this past year, but my love for food is enrooted deep into my soul. The food here is delicious, don't get me wrong, it's just nice to have something you don't get every day once in a while.
     Well, I thank you all for the five minutes spent reading this, or the 10 seconds you took to look at the pictures, whichever you did. I'm so grateful for you all back home sending love and support over here, it means a lot. Hopefully these emails help give you a little more strength. Until next week!
     Elder Banister