Monday, September 9, 2019

Week 40

Time to write again already.....
     This week has been pretty good, I'm just trying to think why... Just working out here doing the most important work you can do, the work of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Here's some of the Highlights 
     1 - District Council... Here in Teresa we try and keep it fun while learning the Doctrine of the Kingdom, and so we use some creativity and make it something to look forward to. This past week we played some Jeoprody and had challenges and it's gonna be hard to top this week
     2 - Service... We built a bathroom for a Recent Convert, his name is Tatay Jerry, and his wife Nanay Lisa. (Someone, who we won't name, forgot his bright green camera though, so no pictures of the service....)
     3 - We had our district activity today, which will also be hard to beat. We hiked up to a view near the house of someone we're teaching and then played some billiards and basketball and volleyball and ate food... Plus, nobody got hurt! Success talaga.
   Those are just a few things in the week
   We've really been studying the Gospel of Jesus Christ this past week in preparation for our first Antipolo Mission Tour with Elder and Sister Schmutz. It's amazing how much I've already learned and the new insights I've gained just from studying on my own. It's something we should all strive to more fully understand and live. It's the path we take to return to Heavenly Father. It's how we reach our potential. Some really big and important stuff!!! The best part is that it's not something you just complete or learn, it's a process and something that takes continuous work. I've met some people that think they know it all and it's really hard to teach them. The worst is when it's a less active who served a mission, then it's always a real good time. A real Mosiah 4:11 moment. The point here is let's all remember that the path of the Gospel is one of Eternal Progression, not one set destination.
     Well that was the week. I love and appreciate you all. Even if I don't know you personally, if you made it this far in the email you have my love and respect. And even if you scrolled looking for pictures, it's your lucky day you "filthy animal" (name that movie)
   Love, Elder Banister