Monday, August 26, 2019

Week 38

Hello from the Philippines
     It's been a pretty good week. So in the district we got two new sisters and now 5 of us are from the US and one of the sisters is from Canada. We'll see what happens to my Tagalog this transfer.
     I've been trying to talk to more people this past week, since that's one of the things we report now. For anyone who knows me, I'm sure you can testify to the fact that I'm not much of a talker. But I've been trying to get better, spreading the gospel to more people than before. 
     I got a question from my aunt Kerri, whom I love and miss a lot, asking if there was any special experiences that I've had so far. Well one of them has to do with talking to people, actually. I'll tell the story about the Guanlao family.
     Here we are, walking down the street. This is Elder Freeman and I at the time. So we're walking, just a couple of Joe's out and about. We pass this door that's open and a few paces after we hear a sister trying to speak English to us.This is one thing that is always funny, because we always go and start speaking Tagalog to them. This, we later found out, was Anne. We asked if we could come back, and she said the next day we could. Next thing you know, we baptized her mom and two of her siblings. Now we're still teaching her and she also wants to be baptized. I'm just amazed the series of events that led to their baptism. There were even times where I wanted to drop them, but I'm glad I didn't because they're one of the coolest families I've ever met. It just reminds me of a scripture 3 Nephi 18:32, with the principle taught by the savior in that verse. I won't put it on, but you should all read it.
     Anyways, I hope you're all doing good wherever you are. Just a shout out to all you who saw that big paragraph and that there weren't any pictures then moved on, your loss on a great scripture haha. next week ulit

Elder Banister