Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Week 12

Hello everyone
It's been a good week in the Philippines, getting some things DONE. The city is "tough" for "some missionaries". Yeah, whatever, "some missionaries" can try working a little harder then, see if that helps. We found a super nice young man named Jerome this past week who's mom was baptized back in 2014. He couldn't be taught because it was only sisters back then and him and his mom were never there at the same time. But now, he's just DYING to jump into the baptismal font. We set a date for March 30 because we can only teach him on the weekends, but he's super excited. His mom apparently after being baptized was never taught about temples and temple work and so we told her that we can do baptisms in behalf of the dead. She got excited at that because she said that her Father never had the chance to be baptized, but now she knows that he too can receive the joy of the Gospel. 

I started reading the Saints book this past week and there's so much good stuff in there. If anyone wants to know some actual accurate history about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, read this book. 

That's about all I can think to tell. Transfer day is coming up this next week, but I'm most likely staying here again because Elder Santillian is going home. Anyways, hope everything is good back home. if you want something good to read, try the Saints. If you feel a little prideful, try Mosiah 4:10. I love you all, and thank you all for the support and prayers.

Also thank you for the "need a laugh" letter, I finally opened it this past week and it made my day. Yeah, basically I got the most pissed I've been in the mission this past week. I've never wanted to hit something more in my life, oh my gosh. But it was all good, my self control is STRONG. Just had to wait it out and let the spirit work it out. Maybe I'll tell the whole story when my companion leaves, haha. But Thank you so much for the packages!!! I'll be waiting for them

Elder Banister#2