Thursday, February 14, 2019

Week 10

My favorite picture so far was taken this week. FEAST YOUR EYES.

Hello from the Philippines!
This week has been good, I feel good and the heat is being slowly cranked up. We had interviews and trainer trainee meeting this week. Good stuff, I learned a lot. We've been focusing a lot on less active members trying to help them receive more blessings from remaining faithful. We keep pressing forward though.  Another "wonderful" cleaning opportunity arose this week. More like 3 weeks in the making. Do you all know what happens when you leave your extra rice in the pot on the counter for a couple days? Not much, smells a bit, that's about it. But 3 WEEKS will make a world of difference. The smell was getting bad about 1 week in, so I covered the little hole in the lid. Problem solved! But a couple weeks in, there was more problems. There was a moldy rainbow, flies all over trapped inside, little maggots crawling around inside... yeah, that's what happens after 3 weeks of sitting on the counter. So glad I know that. That was definitely something I needed to know for my salvation. And the SMELL when I took off that lid. WOW ! ! ! ! ! Truly blessed to have had this opportunity. And of course the rice didn't just fall out, I had to scrape through the smell, the maggots, and mold, with a spoon, biting my tongue so I wouldn't start murmuring. Anyways, there's a few lessons to learn. One is that if there's a problem or sin in our life it's much easier to take care of it now before it grows into a bigger and more disgusting burden in the future. Another thing that I kind of already knew but was reaffirmed was that when you are a man, you're going to have to do things you don't want to do. Anyways, this week was good. Thank you all for your prayers. I didn't take any pictures of the rice because I didn't want to risk my camera getting ruined. Hope you all have a good week and for those back home, enjoy the cold!
Elder Banister 2