Monday, April 29, 2019

Week 21

Hello from the Philippines!

I've been slacking on my emails, so I'll make this one a good one. We had a good week this week with a lot that happened. First with the spiritual stuff. Brother Cesar who has been taught for about 4 weeks now was set to be baptized this upcoming week. He really wanted to be baptized and confirmed on the 4th and 5th of May because that was his dad's birthday. We visited him on April 21st and basically told him if he wanted to be baptized that weekend, he would have to stop smoking. We gave him a Priesthood Blessing to help him. We texted him throughout the week to check up and make sure he was still staying strong. One night he didn't text back though. Oh man, not a good sign. We visited him later that day and he said that he had smoked. We were sorry to hear that, but it was alright. I think the more important thing is that he was honest with us. He recognized that this was a commandment of God, and it was required to follow before making a serious covenant with the Lord. He also understood the importance of honesty and worthiness with such a commitment like this, and knew that worthiness was more important than having the baptism on the day he wanted. I hope that we can all have this kind of strength, realizing that when we try and cover up our sins, we may be able to fool the eyes of our fellow men, but nothing is hid from the eyes of God. We'll all stand before God to be judged of our works. Strait out of the Bible, Revelations 20:12. I guess we get to decide if that will be a day we look forward to or one we dread. May we all strive to always be worthy of the spirit and use the Atonement of Jesus Christ. He is the ONLY way we can be clean and return to our Heavenly Father.

Now for some good stuff (as if that wasn't good). Last week when we were teaching there was a crazy thud and screeching on the tin roof of the house we were in. Then all of the sudden these two cats fall about 7 feet landing on the ground, literally biting each others throats and clawing at each other. It was awesome, I wish they would have fought longer, but they ran out and continued fighting. Stupid cats.

There was an earthquake here, and it's a good thing we weren't home because the ceiling fell through and we have to move apartments. Just kidding, we were home and nothing really happened. I was washing clothes and the spinner was going. It just spins super fast and gets most the water out, but when it slows down, it shakes really bad. Of course it started slowing down when the house started shaking, so I was like "what kind of spinner is this?!, it's shaking the building!!!". Yeah, I feel like an idiot, but at least I can say I've felt an earthquake now. 

We had the opportunity to do service twice this week, and I had the opportunity to let out some steam that may or may not have been building up a little. We chipped away at the clay with pounding bars to make a spot to lay a foundation. It was nice to work like that again, I miss it. Six months off takes a toll though, I found out that I have little girl hands. I got 3 blisters on my hand that make me feel like a sissy every time I look at them. It's embarrassing. But I'll try and get them back to their former glory. The second service project was like unto the first, except this time we were clearing a field of tall grass where a fire had passed through. Their house is literally on the top of the mountain and the fire almost ate their house, which is 3 walls and a roof. I had fin doing that though, we hacked away at the tall burnt grass with scythes. I had a blast, but got some grass cuts along the way. Dang soft hands. 

Finally I found out that I hate Roosters a lottttt. It has consistently crowed outside our window at like 5:30 am for the past week. I might actually kill it. There's a video to express my feeling more. 

That's the week. There's a lot more, but I think that will do for now. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Stay close to the Savior, the second coming is nigh at hand, and I'm pretty sure you'll want to be on his side when things go down. Love you all

Elder Banister 2

Monday, April 22, 2019

Week 20

Hello from the Philippines, there's mountains here after all. I'm in a new area called Teresa in the Morong zone. The area is awesome and it's nice to have some new scenery. My new companion is Elder Freeman from Washington. I haven't taken many pictures yet, but maybe next week. Yesterday was a good day for missionary work. I had the opportunity to pass the sacrament and exercise the Aaronic Priesthood. That was awesome. We had 5 people we're teaching come to church too, so things are already going good in this area. Hopefully I can help it more. After regular church services, we had a special sacrament service in Ondoy where they're hoping to establish a branch. That's the main place we've worked so far. I'll send more next week, there's a lot to say and not much time on P-day. Highlight of the week was probably when we went to teach a "family" and it was the Moreno family, but about 15 people were there, most all girls. Oh man, I'm glad they were so eager to learn about the Book of Mormon. (can you feel the sarcasm?) That was pretty funny. Hopefully they remember what we taught. But that's about what happened this week, I'm sure I'll remember a lot more I wanted to say after I log off. I appreciate the prayers and thoughts and really do feel the support from home. Love you all

Elder Banister 2

Our hangouts chat:
everything here is good, the area is cool, lots of mountains and trees
Cool! Is there a lot of members?
Kolby Banister (
yeah, maybe like 10, then we have a special service in this other area that's kind of far
What is your companions name? How do you travel?
Kolby Banister (
Elder Freeman, and we mostly ride tricicles here
Is he American? How long out?
Kolby Banister (
Yes, from washington, he has 3 months left
Ok, hopefully he's not too trunky! Logan is ðŸ™‚
We just got home tonight from Utah. LONG trip to Michigan but it was cool seeing everything again. 
What's a tricicle? a three wheeled motorcycle thing?
Kolby Banister (
Yeah, a motorcycle with a side cart thing, they're pretty fun
What is your living area like? A small apartment? Are you near water at all?
Kolby Banister (
hopefully Logan is alright haha
yeah, it's pretty small, we live right around this pasture with some cows in it
Ooh cows! I can't wait to see some photos. Any strange animal or bug sightings?
If you can't write right now it's fine, I understand. I love you so much and hope you have a good week adjusting to your new area and companion. Happy Easter too!! We didn't do anything special because we were driving but we will have a dinner tomorrow. You look good from the second I got to see you!! I will stay on a little bit longer ok? Love you!!!
Kolby Banister (
sorry, I was taking a survey thing and these computers are really slow
BUT I'm still here haha
That's ok! I thought you left me because I'm asking lots of MOM questions! 
Oh and i watched that video about the mom. It made me cry. Thanks alot.
Kolby Banister (
Haha, have you ever seen that one before?
Yes, a long time ago but I had forgotten it. 
What are your days like? finding people? serving people?
Kolby Banister (
We have a lot of people to teach in this area so it's pretty nice
Oh good! They don't all tell you to go away??? Is there other languages too? 
Kolby Banister (
mostly just Tagalog. And if anything they just tell us next time
Are you having a good week? I know it's been hard lately, but hope you are feeling good. We send a lot of prayers your way!!
Kolby Banister (
yeah, I'm doing fine, kind of a weird feeling
Yes, we have it too. Like, something is missing and things aren't the same and we still have to keep living life. It will be strange for dad to go to work tomorrow but I think it will help us all to get back to "normal" I honestly don't think I've ever cried as much as I have this past week. ðŸ˜ž
Kolby Banister (
yeah, kinda thought about going home, but then I was like that would be even worse haha
True, coming home might have made it worse. You are in the right place at the right time. It has been cool that it was Easter week and I kept seeing all of these messages about Christ everytime I was on the computer. I sang the song Peace in Christ at Grandma's funeral and the words are soooooo true. Oh and even great grandma came to the funeral! And all of my family came too which was awesome. I will send you pictures when i get a chance. I will send you the words to that song too.
Kolby Banister (
yeah, we have the song, it's alright
and there's some senior missionaries from twin falls here, so that's kind of cool
Dad sang O Divine Redeemer and it was like an angel singing. I bawled my eyes out. What are their names? How cool!!
Kolby Banister (
wait, the song is awesome and true, it's just alright that you don't send the words haha
and they're the Fernies
Oh, I thought you meant the song was just alright. Ha!
What do the senior missionaries do? do you see them a lot?
Kolby Banister (
they're in the new ward actually, 2 sets of them
they mostly help out president Koster
I would love to be a senior missionary some day and spoil the elders. 
Wait, I already do that!!
Kolby Banister (
yeah, they're pretty awesome, 
Do you eat the same kinds of things? Do you make your own food? Are there places around to eat out?
Kolby Banister (
yeah, it's all mostly the same food wise, which is fine
more bugs?
Kolby Banister (
not so bad, more ants in the new apartment though
Just like home! Ants are invading our bathroom downstairs ðŸ™‚
Kolby Banister (
looks like it's time to remodel
YES! I predict when you get home we will have a new bathroom down there! I hope.....
Kolby Banister (
haha, we'll see
Favorite thing you've read this week? 
Kolby Banister (
we listened to a lot of talks this week, I'll send some next week
conference talks?
Kolby Banister (
yeah, old ones
Kolby I am glad I got to "talk" to you but I'm so tired. Is there anything else you want to say? I love you soooooo much!!!
Kolby Banister (
Love you too, hope everything back home is good. Maybe next week the computers will be better haha. 
Tell dad I say hi
Ok I will, and yes I hope to see your cute face!!!!!!
Kolby Banister (
haha okay
Kolby • Sun, 10:42 PM