Monday, December 17, 2018

Week 2

Well I'm not dead yet. The field is a lot different for sure. Out of the little mtc bubble. I'm in marikina city, in the sumulong 1st ward. You should see the way people drive here. It's basically a free for all and there's always scooters or dirt bikes whizzing by. I'm already getting used to it though. Not as stressed about getting hit. The food is good too. I took a bunch of pictures but left my USB cord at the apartment so I'll have to send them next week. The area is all city, we teach usually along this creek where most the people in our area live. Tagalog is still coming slowly. Everyone looks at me weird and I wish I could just go off on them in Tagalog sometimes. The apartment isn't too bad, I've only killed 1 full size cockroach so far. And apparently there's no big spiders here in the city so that sucks. The ward is super nice and welcoming. I got to bear my testimony to them Sunday. I have to play the violin again for the Christmas concert. I've used this skill way more than I thought I would already. I also might get to baptize my first convert on Saturday if all goes as planned. Her name is Diana. She's 21 and wants to serve a mission also. Some exciting things already and it hasn't even been a week. Hope Christmas is good back home. Enjoy the cold, I never knew how lucky we are. Enjoy your hot showers too.
Elder Banister 2

Dang I almost forgot!!!!! I ate Balot at the mtc on the last day!!! What a snack, let me tell you. It was sooo good that my body didn't want me to swallow it!!! I had to force it down with this vinegar onion stuff that goes with it and some water. YUM am I right?! Anyways, I can't believe I almost forgot to tell you. Also can you send some recipes. like cinnamon rolls, sticky buns, rolls, bread, anything you think I could make in a box oven.I'm gonna make one maybe today. Love you