Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Opening the Call!

Kolby's mission call arrived on Monday June 18th, 2018 BUT he didn't open it until Saturday!! He has such patience. It was torture waiting!! 

I had plenty of time to plan a fun call opening party! We just had it at the church in the gym. It was really fun to see everyone placing their guesses on the large world map. I had a list of current LDS missions and there are over 420!! I also had a fun prize for whoever guessed the closest! I guess there was over 50 people who came.

Chocolate strawberries, mini cheesecakes, fortune cookies and chocolate nuggets. 

It was finally time to open the call!!! It was so neat and the spirit was so strong. 
Excitement filled the room!! Kolby stood on a chair and read his call.

Quezon City, Philippines!!!!!!!!

Report date October 24, 2018 to the Provo MTC.